by Perry Hoberman (1999)

Commissioned by NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] for ICC Biennale '99
Winner of the Grand Prix, ICC Biennale '99

Sitting in one of several chairs at a large, round table, a visitor will discover dials that control time. Through the operation of these dials, images projected onto the table pass freely through the past, the present and the future, mutating as they go; the microcosm of time lies in the hands of the visitor. The twentieth century has transformed our concept of time, and Timetable attempts to reproduce the manipulation of time - its shrinking, its recording and even its elimination - that technology has made possible.

Software Design & Interface Design Assistance: Juha Huuskonen, juhuu.nu
Sound: Elliott Sharp
Real-Time 3D Rendering Engine: SurRender3D
Production Assistance: Scott Konzelman

Video documentation: Timetable (Part 1) - Timetable (Part 2)