
The spaces of Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture were customised for the festival’s needs - hackathons were organised in the massive Lume Film Studio, hands-on workshops at the Aalto Fablab and lectures a dozen of different spaces.
OKFestival was a great leap further for the global Open Knowledge community and greatly increased awareness about open knowledge in Finland via several features in Finnish national media.
Live video streams were transmitted from 7 different OKFestival lecture spaces. Browse the OKFestival Video Archive with approximately 150 hours of footage!
- 1054 registered participants from more than 50 countries
- 1200 OKFest satellite event participants
- Representatives of 442 organisations: 68 universities and educational units, 74 government agencies or public sector institutions, 176 associations and foundations, 124 corporate or private sector employers
- 134 sessions including 306 individual presentations
- 67 hours of hackathons and 61 hours of satellite events
- Altogether 484 hours of programme designed by 100 Guest Programme Planners
- 200+ features in mainstream and indie media
- 12 572 live video stream views
- 17 951 tweets between 14 June and 1 October
The OKFestival Final Report describes the background, the organisation and the results of the festival in full detail. You can find the full report in both a PDF display format and on The programme leaflet itself is available online here.

- “How on earth were you able to manage with this vast amount of everything?! I got ‘movemented’ and want more!” - Anne Karkulahti, project manager, Finland
- “As a new Creative Commons employee, and one attending OKFestival for the first time, I was so heartened at seeing what I kept on calling in mind, “My community, my tribe.” It is usually fun though not challenging to hang out with those who agree with you, but this was different — I found all the different streams I attended both fun *and* challenging. Oh, and please let me know who thought of hosting the event at that Aalto School of Design… the space embodied everything that the event was about, or vice versa.. It will be hard for me now to go to other events, because I will end up judging them against the OKFestival, and they will fall short.” - Mr. Puneet Kishoor, Creative Commons, USA
- “Everything was so awesome [that] I wished I could have clones as most of the sessions were running concurrently and I could only attend one at a time. But it was very well planned. I’d love to thank the organizers very very much because they helped me learn a lot as regards Open knowledge and helped me do a lot of networking… it was really a life changing experience for me. I wish it would have lasted longer as I was learning so much and having so much fun. Next time, make it 2 weeks!” - Janet Maranga, lecturer and speaker, Kenya
- “Sessions … were generally very well run. I thought some of the real time participatory elements were quite brave and groundbreaking. I am interested in sustainability, open data, open source, civic engagement, and mapping data visualisation. It was a no brainer for me and am glad I went.” - Peter Kittas, mapping and data visualisation developer, USA
- “At the beginning it was hard to understand what to follow because of so many different topic streams. But I admit, given the number of streams and sessions, the information work was done very well. The online schedule and the printed map of venue in the booklet were especially useful… I had several professional and academic interests during this visit, and all of them are now fulfilled… talking to anybody, literally, ANYBODY in conference area was either useful, interesting, just pleasant or, most of the time, all of that combined. I have been to quite a few conferences, but the networking intensity here - that was something!” - Juris Jerums, educator from Latvia
- “Great organizing, all tech worked well, interesting programme, excellent live streams & records. Not enough time! Wanted ability to multiply oneself during the festival (to be able to simultaneously participate to several sessions! Great opportunity to network and share ideas.” - Mika Välitalo, ICT4D Programme Manager, Finland
- “A magnificient event done with minimal resources! As Michael Edson said, out of this autumn’s seminars this was the one with biggest sex appeal. I would not have missed it for millions - it’s one of the changing forces of our society now.” - Karoliina Luoto, marketing manager, Finland
- “Greetings and respect! The wifi worked, the planning worked … really it was great! Oh, and prize for the coolest badges ever.” - Helen Darbishire, executive director and speaker, Europe
- “Overall, you did an amazing job: good atmosphere, overall an excellent programme. I hope the next org crew for the Festival in Geneva, 2013, can learn a lot from you and improve on those details that could be improved … I think what particularly matters about open knowledge is its broad definition as lived and expressed at the OKFestival — on top of the relevance of openness and transparency in general.” - Peter Troxler, open design practitioner, Switzerland
- “Excellent job, extremely friendly and helpful staff and volunteers, and a fantastic overall organisation. With sessions actually starting and finishing on time! Refreshing
” - Nils Walravens, researcher, Belgium
- “Great content. Positive energy! Truly international crowd doing fabulous things & bringing us all hope for the future! To me professionally the cultural heritage stream [was most important], but also had a chance to sneak in to open journalism and others. And it was all exciting!” - Johanna Berg, senior advisor, Sweden

OKFestival was featured prominently in Finnish national media (interviews in several TV/radio programmes by Yle national public service broadcasting company, several stories at biggest daily newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, etc) as well as international mainstream & indie media (Le Monde blog, ZDNet, WIRED Italia, etc). Approximately 200 stories about OKFestival were published by news organisations and bloggers around the world.
- OKFestival 2012 One Month Later: Successes and Happy Tidings - Kat Braybrooke, Open Knowledge Foundation
- All Change in the World of Open Data - Matt Indigo, Indigo Trust
- OKFestival 2012: Open Data, Open Gov & Open Science in Helsinki - Pia Waugh,
- Open Knowledge and Sustainability:
- OKFestival Sustainability Stream Recap - Velichka Dimitrova, Open Economics / OKFN
- Rest assured, the EU is behind you” says European Commissioner Neelie Kroes to OKFestival participants - Jonathan Grey, Open Knowledge Foundation blog
- I’m in Helsinki… help me get home? - Samoos, Year of Open Source
- OKFestival: The Challenges of Working with Crowd-Sourced Data - Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Internews
- Open Data: Is there a business case? - David Meyer, ZDNet (UK edition)
- Open Source has a key role to play in ensuring planet’s survival - Andrew Cox, Troy Media
- Finland’s Demographics, Translated Into High Cuisine - John Metcalfe, Atlantic Cities
- Dis-Information-Visualization Workshop Summary / Helsinki Sep 2012 - Mushon Zer-Aviv, Mushon
- RE: Open Knowledge Festival—Between Open Data and Public Knowledge - Mushon Zer-Aviv, Mushon
- Open Knowledge and Data Festival: Data Journalism and Visualization session - Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Internews
- Open Knowledge Festival - Open Knowledge in Action - Leo Mutuku, Ramogi online
- OKFest: Workshops, Hackdays and Horror Films - Joris Pekel, Europeana Professional
- BN Trailblazers & Tastemakers: Know Your BudgIT! Team Lead, Seun Onigbinde talks about His Start-up’s Efforts to Make Sense of Government Budgets for Everyone - Gbenga Awomodu, Bella Naija
- The Open Knowledge Festival 2012, Helsinki: some notes - Ross Mounce
- Solar Fire Presentation at OK Festival (video documentation)- Eerik Wissenz, Solar Fire
- Reflections on an open panel - Tim Davies
- Highlights of the Open Development stream at OK Festival - Linda Raftree , Wait What?
- OKFestival - What is Open Development? - Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Internews
- A week to speak about Open Development - The World Wide Semantic Web
- Open Development and the OKFestival - Kim Borrowdale, IATI
- Reflections on Open Development from OKFest - Tim Davies
- Open Development Explained - Pelle Aardema, Open for Change
- Land Portal successfully participates at OKFest, Helsinki - Chris Flower, Land Portal
- What next in Open Development - Claudia Schwegmann, Open Aid
- The Promise of an Open World - Ajinkya, Bertelsmann Future Challenges
- Open Data, Open Development - Barbara Birungi, Hive Colab
- How Public is your Transport - Sam Muirhead, Shareable:Life and Art
- Julia Kloiber on Open Data - Year of Open Source
- REVIEW: Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki - Juho Lindman, Sciecominfo
- Jussi Hurmola presentation: Open Knowledge Festival - Jollatides
- White-Hat Hackers Hit Helsinki - Kevin Bilinghurst, KTH News and Events
- James Cameron Urges Action on Climate Change - Andrew Cox, The Energy Collective
- Dipti - Peeragogy Workshop / Open Knowledge Festival 2012 - short interview on video
- @iLabAfrica at Okfestival 2012 - Bernard Chiira, iLabafrica
- The Open Knowledge Festival - Emma, Tactical Technology Collective
- School of Open builds community at the Open Knowledge Festival - Jessica Coates, Creative Commons
- Open Video Make Session at the OKFest - Kati Hyyppä, EU Screen
- And now the main course: Open Knowledge Festival officially opened tod - Building Bridges
- Open Knowledge Festival – Helsinki, 18-22 September 2012 - Michele Pasin,
- Orbital at the Open Knowledge Festival - Joss Winn, University of Lincoln
- Open Knowledge Festival -
- 2 Weeks Left Until OKFestival! Online Schedule, Calls for Participation, Evening Events and Free Hackathons - Kat Braybrooke, Open Knowledge Foundation blog
- A meeting for the Open community: Open Knowledge Festival 2012 - Massimo Menichinelli,
- Open Knowledge Festival - Tiago Peixoto, Democracy spot
- Code4Europe fellowship programme for Finland launched at the Open Knowledge Festival 19th of September - Forum Virium
- Code4Europe fellowship programme for Finland launched at the Open Knowledge Festival - Commons4Europe
- What does ‘Open Knowledge’ have to do with ‘Open Development’? - Linda Raftree, Wait What?
- Do we need five-star open development? - Claudia Schwegmann, Open Aid
- A Peeragogy Workshop at the Open Knowledge Festival 2012 - revitalize Visuals
- At the Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki - Mushon Zer-Aviv, Mushon
- ILC Involvement in the Open Knowledge Festival - International Land Coalition
- Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki - F.Trotti, Whats’s up Finland?
- Open Knowledge Festival to begin on Monday - F.Trotti, Whats’s up Finland?
- Follow the Open Knowledge Festival Live - F.Trotti, Whats’s up Finland?
- Open Knowledge festival to be held in Helsinki in September - Helsingin Sanomat (International edition)
- How to find Open Yle - Sami Kallinen, Yle
- News / Extensive open knowledge festival at Aalto in September - Aalto University
- Open Knowledge Festival – are you going? - Helsinki region infoshare
- Open Knowledge Festival: Who is going to Finland? - Mario Sorgalla, Bertelsmann Future Challenges
- Meet us at the OKFestival - Jarkko Moilanen, Ossoil – open source community enabler
- Sustainability in focus at the Open Knowledge Festival - Bernard Huber, Centre for sustainable communications
- Open Knowledge in action at OkFestival, Helsinki - Embassy of Finland
- Opening up society in Helsinki - Sari Okko-Matikainen, Good News from Finland
- Counting down to the Open Knowledge Festival - Courses News
- A Brief Summary of the World’s First Open Knowledge Festival - Kat Braybrooke, Open Knowledge Foundation blog
- Join us at OKFestival in Helsinki! - Claudia Schwegmann, Open Aid
- Travel Bursaries: Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki, Finland - Heather Donald, Peace&Collaborative development network
- REMINDER: OKFestival 2012 in Helsinki, Finland - 17/22nd September 2012 - Claudio Artusio, LAPSi: The European Thematic Network on Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information
- Get Your Early Bird Tickets to Open Knowledge Festival 2012 - European Public Sector Information Platform
- CfA: Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, 17th-22nd September - Balkan Civil Society development network
- OKFestival 2012 Goes Global: Early-Bird Tickets, Travel Bursaries and the Metamorphosis of a Movement - Kat Braybrooke, Open Knowledge Foundation blog
- Open Knowledge opens doors in Helsinki - Peter Marten, This is Finland: Life and Society
- Open Knowledge festival - Trialog information service
- The Open Knowledge Foundation Newsletter, April – June 2012 - Theodora Middleton, Open Knowledge Foundation newsletter
- Major open knowledge event hits Finland - Good News from Finland
- Book your place at OKFestival - Adrian Slatcher, City Service development Kit
- Open data in action - Jindřich Mynarz , From Head to Web
- Can You Contribute to the Open Knowledge Festival? - RSA Fellowship
- OKFest - Connor Friesen, Social Innovation Europe
- Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, Finland, 17 - 22 September 2012 - Gijs Hillenius, European Commission Joinup
- Open Knowledge Festival - Carrie McKee, The Access Iniative
- Open Knowledge Festival 2012 - Mediterranean Open Access network
- Open Knowledge Festival – Helsinki 18–22 September 2012 - Peter Troxler
- Open Knowledge Festival - SITRA Innovation Fund
- Counting down to the Open Knowledge Festival - Jane Park, Creative Commons
- Openly about development - Finnish Foreign Ministry
- Why would you want to be anonymous online? - Anni Saastamoinen, Vapa media
- TV:
- A-studio, 26.9.2012 - Esko Varho, Yle
- Vieraina Ylessä: Farida Vis ja Simon Rogers, 19.9.2012 - Yle
- Yle Uutiset 18:00, 19.9.2012 - Yle
- Tee kaikki itse, 18.9.2012 - Esa Mäkinen, Helsingin Sanomat
- Avoin tieto tuo miljardeja ja uudistaa demokratiaa – näin se tehdään - Juho Salminen, Suomen Kuvalehti
- Aalto-yliopisto avaa laserleikkurinsa kaikkien käyttöön - Esa Mäkinen, Helsingin Sanomat
- Avoimen informaation ähky - Markus Tiittula, Yle
- The Guardianin tähtitoimittaja luennoi Helsingissä – tallenne katsottavissaä - Esa Mäkinen, Helsingin Sanomat
- Tiedon avoimuutta vaativat liikkeet kokoontuvat Helsinkiin - Esa Mäkinen, Helsingin Sanomat
- Maailman suurin avoimen datan tapahtuma järjestetään Helsingissä - Suvi Korhonen, Tietoviikko
- Avoimen tiedon suurtapahtuma Helsinkiin – Suomi voi ylpeillä edelläkävijyydellään - Niclas Storås, Tietoviikko
- Tapahtuma: Suomi näyttää mallia avoimessa datassa ja hallinnossa - Talouselämä
- Tietoyhteiskunta tuleekin vasta nyt! - Ossi Kuittinen, Sitra Innovation Fund
- Opiskelijakahviloista ministerikahveille - Ossi Kuittinen, Sitra Innovation Fund
- Piilodata esiin ja otsikoihin, 9.8.2012 - Jessikka Aro, Journalisti
- Avoimen datan edistäjät kokoontuvat Helsinkiin, 21.8.2012 - Katja Boxberg, Kauppalehti
- Avoin tieto on rahaa, 31.8.2012 - Elina Lappalainen, Talouselämä
- Tylsä, tylsempi, tilasto?, 14.9.2012 - Esa Mäkinen, Helsingin Sanomat/ Nyt-viikkoliite
- Läpinäkyvyys on tietoyhteiskunnan edellytys, 22.9.2012 - Terhi Nevalainen, Karjalainen
- Vapaalla - Nörtit koolla, 19.9.2012 - Henri Salomaa, Vartti
- Bileet puhelimessa, 14.9.2012 - Henri Salomaa, Metro
- Metadataa vaikka millä mitalla - Hanna Kuusela, Fifi/ Voima
- Avoimen tiedon juhlat - Hanna Kuusela, Fifi/ Voima
- Googleta, opi, opeta - Hanna Kuusela, Fifi/ Voima
- Urpilainen: Yle voisi avata arkistonsa ilmaiseen käyttöön - Helsingin Sanomat
- Aito tiedon avoimuus edellyttää ajattelutavan muutosta - Mika Välitalo, Kepa
- OK-festivaali: Avoin kehitys on valtakysymys - Esa Salminen, Kepa
- Suomalaisia järjestöjä toivotaan avun avoimuuden järjestelmään - Esa Salminen, Kepa
- Avoimuus on kehityksen uusi musta - Plan Suomi
- Koodaajat ja kehitystyöntekijät kohtaavat Helsingissä - Marja-Leena Kultanen, Foreign Ministry: Global Finland
- Aktuellt/Radio Vega, 19.9.2012 - Peter Sjöholm, Yle
- Yle Nyheter, 19.9.2012 - Niklas Fagerström, Yle
- Min Morgon, 21.9.2012 - Pernilla Näsförs intervju, Yle
- OpenCorporates, un œil ouvert sur les entreprises - Alexandre Léchenet, Le Monde blog
- Un hackathon pour le développement et la coopération - Alexandre Léchenet, Le Monde blog
- #okfest, la révolution des données en douceur - Alexandre Léchenet, Le Monde blog
- Europeana libère toutes ses données - Guerric Poncet, Le Point
- Open Glam, La Culture ouverte - Guerric Poncet, Le Point
- L’Islande change sa Constitution sur Facebook - Guerric Poncet, Le Point
- Open Data: libérez les données ! - Guerric Poncet, Le Point
- Una piattaforma per proporre leggi in crowdsourcing - Marco Boscolo, Wired Italia
- Data Journalism – Gli appunti sul data journalism all’ OKFestival - Data Journalism crew
- Open Knowledge Festival Una coferenza Helsinki per studiare I’impatio degli open data sulla societa – Istituzioni transparenti - Serena Danna, Corriere della Sera
- The biggest open knowledge event “OKFestival 2012″ report (translated from Japanese) - Makoto Akai, Gihyo

Browse the archive of hundreds of photos from OKFestival 2012.
Photos on this page by Daniel Schildt, Veikko Kähkönen, Michael Edson and Paola Livorsi