Discovering Data and Putting it into Action
Location: 8th Floor Auditorium
Date & Time: Tue 18, 18:00 - 19:30
Topic Stream: Data Journalism and Visualisation
APIs for journalists: Shippr – the maritime data store
Juha van ‘t Zelfde, designer, researcher and co-founder VURB, Netherlands, @juhavantzelfde
Maurits de Bruijn, designer, Dutch Media Fund, funding / Sandberg Institute, funding /, Netherlands,
The Shippr maratime data store works to make a open data repository of the transport lifelines that enable modern society to function. Sea power has historically been key to strategic geopolitical power, today shipping decides countries and initiatives possiblities. The Shippr shipping open data base aims to make power concentrations, item transport flows, as well as ecological issues generally accessible and more transparent.. The presentation features the Shippr maratime data store and its development.
Hot Data: Developing with Data
Victor Miclovich / software developer, and serial entrepreneur. UNICEF T4D consultant. CEO and Co-founder of StorySpaces. Formerly developer at Appfrica labs/Ushahidi/Swift River @miclovich
Data is numbers and figures. Data can be quantitative or qualitative. It can be either BIG or SMALL. Developing with data is important because it gives clear indications on whether governments, development agencies or partners are doing the right thing. This talk gives a brief and descriptive synapsis of the approaches used by individuals, non-profits, for-profits and governments in the use and implementation of data-oriented information systems. It address aspects in data-journalism and visualization.
HS Open hackathon review
Auli Harju, Finland, Tampere Research Centre for Journalism, Media, and Commuication (COMET), @Amaaria
Antti Poikola, Finland, OKFN, @apoikola
The presentation examines the development and effects of HS Open, a regularly occurring open data datajournalism hackathon run by Finland’s leading national newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. This research has been undertaken by the Tampere Research Centre for Journalism, Media and Communication (COMET).
Lightning talks
Speakers to be confirmed.
Juha van ‘t Zelfde
Juha van ‘t Zelfde (NL, 1979) is a researcher and curator of ubiquitous culture. He is co-founder of urban computational design agency VURB (, multidisciplinary curatorial office Non-fiction (, and vehicle for music futurism Viral Radio ( He studies the acceleration of instantaneity and aspatiality, through the omnipresence of digital networks, on art, heritage and society. He is half-Finnish, and thinks Mikael Granlund scored the best hockey goal ever.
Maurits de Bruijn
Maurits de Bruijn (Dutch, 1971) is a Rotterdam (NL) based graphic designer, (web) developer and (former) teacher information design an computational design. Works from the conception that both the visible (gui) and invisible aspects (code, structure) of information design are equal design components. Conceives the next challenge of design for web to find structures and methods to aggregate meaningful content from the massive and discontiguous sources of data that are distributed.
Victor Miclovich
Victor Miclovich is a software developer, and serial entrepreneur. He has consulted with organizations like the UNICEF as a T4D programmer building on top of the RapidSMS platform and SwiftRiver/Ushahidi.
He is also one of the co-founders of The Kuyu Project (currently rebranded as Jamlab), StorySpaces, mSpoti, Semaje and pThor.
pThor is a medical application startup. Semaje is a language learning application that uses cognitive techniques to support learning a new language. StorySpaces is digital story telling social network that started up in 2010 in East Africa.
Victor loves to mentor young software developers and has recently started a “Girl Geek series” to promote more girls in technology. Another initiative of his stems from his interest in data science through Kirril, a data journalism toolkit, an open source project that he started this year.
Auli Harju
Antti Poikola
I am active in eParticipation and Open Data, movements in Finland and Europe. I have been teaching data journalism tools for journalists (last autumn and this spring), I host and I co-organized last year the day of datajournalism in Tampere
Session Host
Miska Knapek, information visualizer/interaction designer, Denmark/Finland, @miskaknapek
Is a information visualisation, interaction designer and a general open data / government enthusiast. Miska works and reseaches information interfaces.