Hacks/Hackers Helsinki Meetup

See the full programme and RSVP on the Meetup page to attend this event. Hacks/Hackers is a Satellite Event for the Data Journalism and Visualisation Topic Stream.
“I am a journalist that likes playing around with data. But sometimes I am not able to do the things that I want. This is what I will talk about - the projects that I want to do, but can’t. I am a journalist looking for coder friends.” - Jens Finnäs, Swedish data journalist.
Hacks/Hackers Programme
- Jussi Pullinen, news editor at Helsingin Sanomat. Pullinen will talk about live blogging as a journalistic tool. Find him at @JussiPullinen on Twitter.
- Runa A. Sandvik, developer at the Tor Project. Find her at @runasand on Twitter.
- Pierre Romera, journalist. Romera will talk about data journalism à la française, based on his work at Journalism++ and OWNI. Find him at @Pirhoo on Twitter.
- Plus some surprise guests!
Session Host
- Johanna Vehkoo,@vehkoo on Twitter