Open Collaborative Networked Cities


The Value of Innovating with Peers. How can cities work together with peers and find safe spaces to collaborate and share?

Plug and Play with City Innovation. How do we encourage cities to move beyond a ‘not invented here’ mentality and open their minds to imitating innovation elsewhere?

The Cookbook of City Innovation Services. How to share your recipes for success. Existing tools and networks. What role do digital networks and technologies play?

Session Host

Haidee Bell, Nesta


Haidee Bell, Nesta - session host

Panel members:

Ilari Lindy, World Bank

Ville Meloni, Helsinki Region Infoshare

Jarmo Eskelinen, Forum Virium/European Network of Living Labs

Anna Kivilehto, European Network of Living Labs

Katalin Gallyas and Frank Kresin, City SDK/City of Amsterdam



Jarmo Eskelinen is the CEO of Forum Virium Helsinki, an innovation company building digital bridges between people and services in collaboration with cities and companies.  Originally trained as an architect, Jarmo is an expert in digital content, smart cities and user driver design, currently devoted to open data. Previously he was the Director of Media Centre Lume of Aalto University, the Program Director the Helsinki 2000 European City of Culture, and the Founder of CEO of production company PopZoo Promotions. Jarmo is also the President of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), promoting cooperation is user-driven innovation.

Katalin Gallyas is the Policy Advisor Open Innovation, City of Amsterdam in the Economic Affairs team. Katalin is responsible for coordinating EU ICT driven Open Innovation projects in Amsterdam (Open Cities, Commons4 EU, City SDK) and advocating the use of open data, platforms and challenges.  She is engaged with the promotion of user/ community driven innovation for the city of Amsterdam in policy making and was responsible for the launching of the first crowdsourcing platform for policy making in Amsterdam.

Anna Kivilehto has a Masters degree from the University of Helsinki in Political Science (with extensive amount of studies at the University of Stockholm), since graduation she has worked at the Alexander Institute at the University of Helsinki and as Policy Officer at the Helsinki EU Office in Brussels where she was in charge of research, development and innovation policy issues until she discovered living labs. In 2010 she joined the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) Office as Network Manager.

Frank Kresin is Research Director at Waag Society. Since 2006, he leads the programme group of Waag Society, that develops new projects and initiatives, where consortia are formed and financing is secured. He was at the start of many projects of Waag Society and is interested in themes like Creative Care, Future Internet and Open Data. Frank regularly presents and writes on transdisciplinary research in the creative industry and is one of the leading experts in the Netherlands regarding Open Data.

Ilari Lindy is Senior ICT Policy Specialist at the World Bank. Before joining the World Bank, he worked as Senior Advisor at the Department of Development Policy in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland advising on strategic development MFA’s global policies and instruments related to information society as well as science, technology and innovation. Ilari co-chaired the European expert group of EU-Africa strategic partnership no 8 focusing on science, information society and space. He is currently interested to learn more on ICT-enabled social and economic development achieved through various open innovation and grassroots approaches.

Ville Meloni, Project Manager of the Helsinki Region Infoshare open data initiative. Ville has worked with Forum Virium Helsinki since November 2009. He is responsible for the execution of the Helsinki Region Infoshare project together with the City of Helsinki Urban Facts and other communities involved. Previously, Ville has worked on project management and business development areas for digital media and telecommunications companies. He has a Masters’ Degree in Economic Sciences.


Haidee Bell comes from UK innovation agency Nesta, an independent body with a mission to make the UK more innovative where she leads programmes in the creative and digital economy. This includes launching new creative enterprises, supporting cultural and creative operations to adapt to digital and finding ways to deliver more using creativity and technology in priority public services. She is also a Fellow with the British Council and this year has undertaken study visits in Brazil and Europe focused on open governance: how states and cities are tackling the challenge of transparency and accountability to citizens.


Location: INSPIRE meeting room

Date & Time: Thurs 20, 16.00 - 17.30

Target Group: Developers, designers, city authorities and anyone else interested in the topic

Topic Stream: Open Cities

Session Etherpad page:

