Practical Tools for Visualization
Location: 8th Floor Auditorium
Date & Time: Tue 18, 16:00 - 17:30
Topic Stream: Data Journalism and Visualisation
Visualizing GIS based Analysis ( using Open Geodata )
Tiia Palvimo, GIS Analyst & Aki Kaapro, GIS Analyst, - Esri Finland
Spatial data is data which has information of the location, for example addresses, postal codes or coordinates. Most of all the available data can be located and therefore can be used as spatial data. Spatial data has long been liable to charge but recently several organizations have opened their spatial data to the public. This makes it possible for everyone to make effective spatial data analysis to help decision making process. The results of spatial data analysis are usually presented as maps.
This presentation shows with concrete examples of spatial data analysis how spatial data analysis can be used to solve real life problems and how the results of the analyses can be shared with everyone on a web map.
Creatively Visualising Historic Documents
Lesley Kadish, Minnesota Historical Society, USA
Minnesota Historical Society actively investigates preserving and making accessible original items of cultural heritage. The presentation will feature their work developing digital interactive and dynamic interface techniques for the cultural heritage material.
Historic Data Visualization / Historical Map Explorer
Working with Evidence & Visualisations for Advocacy
Maya Indira Ganesh Director of the Evidence and Action Program at Tactical Tech
Tactical Technology Collective works to enable the effective use of information for progressive social change. This presentation will highlight some of the key challenges activists face when working with data visualisation by focusing on a project run with sex workers in India. As well as covering the lessons learnt on how best to turn information into evidence, we will introduce tools and tips for visualising data as part of a strategic campaign.
Lightning talks
Speakers to be confirmed.
Lesley Kadish
Lesley is a curator of maps and geospatial technologies at the Minnesota Historical Society. She learns by doing, and is currently investigating places where culture and technology and emotions meet. Her past work includes 3D digital modeling of historic landscapes, geotagging historic photographs, and helping to curate a web exhibit on Poverty around the world. Her publications include an ethnography of historic baseball, an analysis of Native American imagery on organic food packaging, and a study of how historic maps and satellite imagery interact. She is currently working as a Fulbright Scholar with the Espoo City Museum.
Aki Kaapro & Tiia Palvimo, Esri Finland
Aki and Tiia work as GIS Analysts in Esri Finland. Aki made a smooth jump to GIS industry in 2009 after a few years in environmental and civil engineering. Tiia started as a GIS Analyst in retail sector and after a few years moved to her current position with interest for more multifaceted challenges in GIS. Today, Aki and Tiia spend their days analyzing and refining spatial data into useful information which is used to solve versatile customer cases. Both are University of Helsinki alumni.
Maya Indira Ganesh
Maya is the Program Director, Evidence & Action Program at Tactical Technology Collective. Since 1995 Maya has worked as a researcher, writer and activist with women’s rights organisations, international NGOs and academic institutions. Her areas of work and interest span gender rights, sexuality rights, HIV/AIDS prevention, women’s health, and media, internet and mobile phone use, policy and communication rights. She has worked with the Association of Progressive Communication’s Women’s Program, UNICEF, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai, Point of View Mumbai, CREA, New Delhi. She has published non fiction writing about gender, violence, pulp magazines, sexuality, the internet and mobile phones. Maya has a Masters degree in Psychology from Delhi University and another one in Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Sussex, UK.
Session Host

Juuso Koponen,, Finland,
Juuso Koponen is a graphic designer specializing in information graphics and datavisualization. He is co-author of a Finnish-language blog on the topic ( and he teaches at the Aalto University School of Art, Design & Architecture. He is also organizing a ”TED-like” (i.e. compact presentations by experts aimed at non-experts) conference on information design and visualization on September 17th as an OKFest satellite event.