A Rails Girls Introduction to Web
Rails Girls is a non-profit global community to help girls get started with tech. Our aim is to give tools for women to understand technology and build their ideas. We provide a first time experience on building things and make technology more approachable.
The intro to Rails Girls goes through some fundamental concepts and building blocks of the Internet in a fun, interactive session. BYOL: Bring Your Own Laptop (encouraged, not mandatory!)
For more: http://www.railsgirls.com
Session Host
Charlotta Liukas, Rails Girls, Finland, @charlottaliukas, charlotta.liukas (at) gmail.com
Charlotta Liukas: Rails Girls volunteer Charlotta belongs in the so-called non-tech demographics by background, but believes that everyone should speak conversational Web.
Location: HACK workshop 2
Date & Time: Thur 20, 16:00-17:30
Target Group: Anyone who wants to learn the basics of Internet vocabulary
Topic Stream: Gender and Diversity in Openness