State-of-play: The Open Government Data movements & related initiatives

The first session will open the debate on the Open Government Data movements, related initiatives & the Open Government Partnership (OGP). We will introduce some of the topics that will be discussed during the day and confront the audience with some food for thoughts and provocing questions. After this short introduction the Finnish OGD/OGP! roadmap will be presented by Teemu Ropponen (Finland, Ministry of Justice) and Salla Nazarenko (Transparency Finland).

Part I: Opening the debate

  • Welcome and opening the debate on the Open Government Data movements, related initiatives & the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the potential impact of civil society on the OGP process by Daniel Dietrich and Andrew Stott, 15min
  • Introducing the Finnish OGD/OGP! roadmap by Teemu Ropponen (Finland, Ministry of Justice) and Salla Nazarenko (Transparency Finland), 15min
  • Vision and strategy to open Europe’s data by Dr. Márta Nagy-Rothengass, (Head of Unit, European Commission, DG CONNECT), 15min

Part II: What Open Government means around the world for Open Data and vise versa

Open Government Data updates from around the world (45 min)

Description: This session with short and sharp statements from pioneers, experts and activists from countries around the world on ther state-of-play of Open Government Data. This highly interactive session will be lead by an interviewer and will provide food for thoughts for the following debates.  

Session Host

  Andrew Stott UK, Open Data evangelist


  • Teemu Ropponen (Finland, Ministry of Justice)
  • Salla Nazarenko (Transparency Finland)
  • Andrew Stott (UK, Open Data evangelist)
  • Daniel Dietrich (Germany, Open Knowledge Foundation)
  • Pia Waugh (Australia, policy advisor)
  • Alison Tilley (South Africa, Open Democracy)
  • John Wonderlich (US, Sunlight Foundation)
  • Chris Taggart (UK, Open Corporates)
  • Antonio Acuna (UK,
  • Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou (France, Regards Citoyens)
  • Ton Zijlstra (Netherlands, ePSI platform)
  • María Baron (Argentina, Directorio Legislativo)
  • Stephen Davenport (US, Development Gateway)
  • Jose Manuel Alonso (Spain, The Web Foundation)
  • Gisele Craveiro (Brazil, University of São Paulo, Brazil)

And YOU!!!



Coming soon!


Location: INSPIRE auditorium

Date & Time: Tuesday, 18th September, 11:30 - 13:00

Target Group: group

Topic Stream: Transparency and Accountability

Session Etherpad page: link