OKFest Video Archive

1. Morning Plenaries & Summary Sessions
The OKFest Morning Plenaries:
- Tuesday Morning Plenary (Rufus Pollock / OKFN, Martin Tisne / Omidyar Network, Farida Vis / University of Sheffield)
- Wednesday Morning Plenary (Philip Thigo / SODNET, Carlos Rossel / World Bank, Ville Peltola / IBM)
- Thursday Morning Plenary (Anneli Jäätteenmäki / EU Parliament, James Cameron / Climate Change Capital and Tiago Peixoto / World Bank)
The OKFest Summary Sessions:
- Friday Summary Plenary (Pia Waugh, Philip Thigo / SODNET, Antti Poikola / OKF Finland Incubating Chapter)
- Open Design, Hardware, Manufacturing & Making Topic Stream Concluding Panel Discussion (Massimo Menichinelli, Tomas Diez, Peter Troxler, Juergen Neumann)
- Summary Plenary, PART 1 - Business and Open Data, Open Knowledge and Sustainability, Open Source Software, Open Geodata, Open Research and Education, Open Cultural Heritage
- Summary Plenary, PART 2 - Transparency and Accountability, Open Democracy and Citizen Movements, Open Cities, Open Development, Gender and Diversity in Openness, Datajournalism and Visualisation, Open Design, Hardware, Manufacturing & Making
2. Video Archive by Topic Stream
The OKFest Topic Streams:
- TOPIC STREAM 01: Open Democracy and Citizen Movements (6 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 02: Transparency and Accountability (11 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 03: Open Cities (11 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 04: Open Design, Hardware, Manufacturing & Making (10 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 05: Open Cultural Heritage (2 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 06: Open Development (10 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 07: Open Research and Education (7 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 08: Open Geodata (2 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 09: Open Source Software / Open Mind 2012 (4 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 10: Data Journalism and Visualization (5 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 11: Gender and Diversity in Openness (2 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 12: Business and Open Data (6 x 1.5 hours of video)
- TOPIC STREAM 13: Open Knowledge and Sustainability (4 x 1.5 hours of video)
3. Video Archive by Room
Here are the archived videos from all OKFest lecture spaces in chronological order:
- INSPIRE Auditorium
- INSPIRE Meeting Room
- MEET 8th Floor Auditorium
- MEET Aalto PRO Lecture Room
- HACK Cinema 1
- MAKE Auditorium