The Land Portal: Prototype-users and data aggregation
The Land Portal is the global gateway for land related information, aggregating information on land from multiple sources and building a specialized community of land experts from civil society organisations, governmental and intergovernmental institutions and academia. The Land Portal is entering its second phase of development with the aim of consolidating existing information and giving the website a new skin to encourage crowdsourcing and fulfill the needs of stakeholders. To this end, the Land Portal partnership has created case studies to guide the development of user-group needs for the selected “prototype-users”. This event will present the Land Portal and its successes and failures to date, and will invite participants to evaluate the user prototypes and suggest practical solutions for an overhaul of the Land Portal. How can the Land Portal achieve its goal of being the go-to source of land related information for these diverse stakeholder groups? The Land Portal will also be developing comprehensive country profiles that highlight trends in land use patterns and cross-reference diverse data sets and maps, which presents technical challenges that the OK Fest community could contribute to addressing.
Session Host
Neil Sorensen, International Land Coalition, Italy, @neilsorensen,
Laura Meggiolaro, Land Portal Coordinator, International Land Coalition, Italy
Marek Tuszynski, Co-Founder & Creative Director, Tactical Technology Collective, Germany
Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Coming soon!
Location: 8th floor auditorium
Date & Time: Friday 21, 14:00-15:30
Target Group: developers, designers, development experts, government officials, NGOs, anyone interested in the topic
Topic Stream: Open Development
Session Etherpad page: link