AvantoAkatemia 01
Antti Hietaniemi (photos)
juhuu + pia (stills from dv)
The User @ Kipsari
dish washing machine >> instrument





microphones need protection, too...

(yes, it is what you think it is)

after listening to our cameraman's heartbeat,

we move on to garling with beer! yes!

job well done!

The User @ Aula



workshop organisers from planet OZ
farmers manual @ LUME







farmers manual @ Aula


Welcome to AvantoAkatemia 01!!!
This year we are offering four events, targeted for students and professionals
from the fields of arts, media and sound. The featured artists are farmersmanual
and [The User], both participating in this years Avanto
- Helsinki Media Art Festival.
On the two brunch sessions on Saturday and Sunday morning, the artists
will tell about their work from their personal viewpoint. Food will
be served and there's also time reserved for open discussion and questions.
The events on Thursday and Friday are more practical how-to sessions,
the artists will demonstrate the tools and methods they use in their
We can only take a limited amount of participants for each event, therefore
you have to sign up in advance. The participation fee for each event
is 50 FIM.
Sign up and come along!!
Thursday 8.11
Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: Lume,
Hämeentie 135 C
50 fim
Introduction to Diffusion, Dispersion, Nonlinearity, Multidimensions
and Ambiguity
farmersmanual will strengthen network forms of organization, while
simultaneously making your life difficult in old hierarchical forms. Examples
in PD and MAX/MSP/nato within a networked environment will be part of
the presentation.
links: Opcode
Friday 9.11
Time: 17:00-19:00
Venue: Kipsari, Hämeentie 135 D (student cafe of UIAH)
50 fim
"How to turn a dish washing machine into an instrument?"
[The User] will demonstrate how to apply a similar approach as
they used in their Symphony for Dot Matrix Printers to any conventional
household equipment - in this case a dish washing machine!
Saturday 10.11
Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: Aula,
50 fim
Brunch with [The User].
In addition to their Symphony for Dot Matrix Printers, [The User]
will tell about their most recent project, Silophone.
Good food + all the things you ever wanted to know about [The User].
Sunday 11.11
Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: Aula,
50 fim
Brunch with farmersmanual.
Come and enjoy a brunch with farmersmanual! An informal but
nonetheless informative and intelligent session.
[The User]
Festival website; [The
User] homepage; Silophone
OlentoAkatemia 01
AvantoAkatemia is the first part of the OlentoAkatemia series, organised
by Olento, a company specializing
in cross-disciplinary media education.
The next OlentoAkatemia event is pikseliÄHKY
- pixelache.ac
in May 2002.
If you have any questions or if you would like to receive information
about future events via e-mail, send mail to akatemia@olento.fi.
OlentoAkatemia organisers
Heidi Grönman, Juha
Huuskonen, Antti Hietaniemi, Minna Piirainen, Pia Lehtinen, Rita
Kärkkäinen, Vaula Aalto