Photo: Ulla Taipale wandering in a forest by the Novosibirsk ZooRegine from we-make-money-not-art did an extensive interview with Ulla Taipale, about the activities of Capsula and their Expedition to the Total Eclipse project. The exhibition will open next...
Ympäristötaiteen säätiö (Environmental Art Foundation) has chosen Nuage Vert andMaailman onnellisin puu (The World's Happiest Tree) by Kaija Papu and Aino Louhi as the environmental artworks of the year 2008. The annual award has been given out since year...
Pixelache and AV Festival have started talking about possible collaboration in 2010. The next AV Festival is scheduled for March 2010. See the first call for proposals below.- - - - - -CALL FOR PROPOSALSAVISON LIVE: Audio-visual artwork commissionAvison...
The theme of this year's Transmediale Festival was DEEP NORTH, dealing with 'intense fragility and inherent instability of human interaction with global systems'. Surprisingly many works in the exhibition approached the theme very literally (ie. images and...
Photos by Tuomo TammenpääDuring the three days that our brave Cotton Candy experimentation team spent enclosed in a small room in Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, we learned quite a few things:- Cotton candy is a challenging material to work with. The...
Pixelache, Kitchen Budapest and Tinker.it are busy hacking candy floss this week in Berlin! Please come and see the results at Transmediale Salon, starting from Thursday 29 Jan.The second part of Climate Hack workshop will take place at Pixelache Helsinki...
Pixelache Helsinki 2009 website is finally here!We will be adding more information during the coming days, stay tuned...