News / Open calls
Piknik Frequency Ry is looking for a part-time (50%) financial administrator, starting from February 2017. We are an international art and culture organisation based in Helsinki, producing various events and cultural productions throughout the year,...
03 December 2016,
Agnieszka Pokrywka
Coral Empathy Device -video by Kat Austen is something beautiful to share after the Interfaces for Empathy where it wasn't unfortunately presented as planned in Keinutuoli Korner open programme. Please view it here Kat Austen...
06 October 2016,
Mari Keski-Korsu
We will publish the Pixelache 2016 Festival "Interfaces for Empathy" pre-site next week. Stay tuned for more info on the program very soon!
09 June 2016,
Petri Ruikka
Pixeache Festival 2016 - 'Interfaces for Empathy' has an open call for performances, interventions, installations, talks, workshops, actions, processes, etc. in any field. The call is open until 1st of May 2016. Go to more information about the call and...
06 April 2016,
Mari Keski-Korsu