particle/wave :: call for expressions of interest
This call is for:
- Presenters and participants of particle/wave workshop and seminar
- Project proposals relating to particle/wave themes and boom
- Live broadcast events for ÄÄNIradio at pixelACHE
particle/wave is inviting expressions of interest from radiomakers of every persuasion for local and remote participation in a workshop on hybrid radio practices in april 2005... and collaboration on an experimental broadcast...
the format of the workshop will be built around practical broadcasting milieu of ÄÄNIradio which will enable workshop participants to experiment with a variety of hybrid transmission modes during the workshop...
we encourage people involved in...
- community radio
- radio art
- public radio
- participatory radio
- internet radio
- independent wireless networks
- telecommunication art
- innovative transmissions...
to propose activities including not limited to...
- leading workshops / sessions
- participating in workshops / sessions
- presenting past projects / current practices
- proposing future projects / collaborations
- developing live broadcast / performance / installations
- producing / curating programmes for ÄÄNIradio radiotheque
exploring themes related to hybrid radio practice including but not limited to...
- shifting territories of radio art
- tools and practices for combining net and terrestrial broadcast
- audience relationships across different broadcast modes
- participatory broadcasting environments
- approaches to open content radio
- local contexts, global networks
Closes November 15 2004
:: how to apply ::
Send expressions of interest by email to submissions05(at) with particle/wave in the subject line and the following details in text of the email (not as an attachment):
Please include...
Email address:
Phone number:
Postal Address:
Areas of radio practice: e.g. community radio / radio arts
Affiliation: e.g. radio station (if applicable)
Are you also submitting proposals to PixelACHE? Yes / No
URLs relevant to application / your work:
Explain briefly why you would like to participate.
Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.
Please describe briefly your interest in hybrid radio practices and tell us a bit about what you could contribute to discussions and workshops and/or what you would like to learn from / exchange with other practitioners.
Would you like to participate in the ÄÄNIradio broadcast in a specific way? How?
Will you need a letter of invitation to help you get to particle/wave? When? |
for production proposals download the form... fill it in and send it to pixelACHE submissions...(instructions all on the form)
PixelACHE05.doc | PixelACHE05.rtf