Pure Data, AID, GridFlow + more
Presented by Marc Lavallée (Montreal, Canada)
- General knowledge about Free Software and social issues.
- Problem solving, doing more with less.
- Audio/video compression and streaming with free software
- Video motion capture in Linux.
- Pure Data:
- programming patches
- programming externals in C
- interfacing PD to other softwares and the external world
- my parapin external, that turns the parallel port of a PC into a digital I/O interface.
- The AID interface building and using the AID with Pure Data and DIY softwares
- Basic demo of GridFlow
How have I survived so far?
At the age of 5 (1968), I plugged two pieces of aluminium foil into an AC wall plate and touch them; for a very short time, I was connected to the northern hydro-electric dams. At 15 (1978), I wrote a BASIC program on a Burroughs computer to calculate the first hundred prime numbers. At 25 (1988) I stopped studying electrical engineering and dedicated myself to digital survival. At 35 (1998) I started to use Linux for my desktop computer . At 45 (2008) I hope to use an open source microprocessor.