Andrew Diey [Black Faction] works professionally
as a composer and sound designer for TV, Film, and computer games.
Black Faction are a breed apart from the average electronica outfit.
Their dark, expansive soundscapes have an edge and drive that puts them
firmly in the kind of lineage that stretches from the 'industrial' experiments
of Zoviet France to the brutal electrofunk of Cabaret Voltaire through
to the ethnodub of Muslimgauze.
Despite the music's digital origins, Black Faction's Andrew Diey infuses
his material with the organic qualities of tape composition (he studied
musique concrete technique) and approaches his material with a surgeon's
deliberation. (Peter
Marsh, Black Faction Reworked
We are delighted to announce a VERY RARE and unique UK appearance by
Black Faction. Black Faction will perform a live mix of Black Faction
and exclusive Muslimgauze [RIP] recordings. It should be noted that
the set has been created from material which has never been released,
heard or performed before.
The 45 minute Black Faction set will launch the first ULTRASOUND Festival
at The Media Centre, and will be performed in the darkened space of
the Medialounge.