Konstfack College, Media Design Lab

Written by Kalle Pakkala on March 30, 2009.

The Media Design Lab at the Konstfack College of Art and Design in Stockholm has never formally existed yet after four long years of kicking in courses and projects we can kind of give us this label. We all come from different disciplines (art, design, architecture…) but are mostly practitioners that have come to deal with digital craftsmanship in their professions and are now involved in both divulgating it and experiment it at higher levels. Our common view is to believe that the postmodern creator should go beyond the mere surface of the container and deal with the potential creature within it.

More info:

04. April 10:00 Kiasma seminar room Digital Craftsmanship seminar

Alberto Frigo (SE) Ã…smund Gamlaseater (SE) Pablo Miranda (SE)