Written by HeHe
Wednesday, 20 February 2008 |
Consumption data from the Salmisaari substation
The graphs below created by Jussi Palola, researcher at Helsinki Energy’s Electricity Network Company, show the estimated electrical consumption measured at the Salmisaari substation during the Nuage Vert week. This calculation is based on previous years energy consumption, average weather conditions and annual growth in demand for energy.
From these graphs we can a clear pattern. Energy rises and falls during the day from 23 peaking at 40 MVA, which is equal to amplitude of 40 to 100%. Consumption rises sharply in the morning between 7:00 and 10:00 and falls dramatically between 21:00 and 22:00.
If we compare the the actual consumption values from the last four years with the estimated power consumption in 2008, we can see a steady, regular increase. On the same Friday in 2004, electricity consumption peaked at 23 MVA, whilst in 2008 it is expected to peak at 37 MVA.

Last Updated ( Monday, 25 February 2008 )