"Making of" & "Nuage Vert” videos now online
Written by HeHe   
Tuesday, 08 April 2008

The Making of Nuage Vert from HeHe on Vimeo.

Nuage Vert from HeHe on Vimeo.

Finally, video documentation has now been edited and cut into two halves for the web:

MAKING OF NUAGE VERT shows: the collaboration with Esa Râikkönen (laser physics specialist), a new cultural form called cloud–Jing, visits to the Salmisaari power plant, interactions with local schools, the poster, flyers and light stickers designed by devalence, the opening night at HIAP project space, the public gathering for the unplug event, the presentations in local schools etc. etc… In short, it shows the complex social & technical context.

The second video shows NUAGE VERT, as environmental sculpture in the Helsinki skyline. Seen from directly under the laser beam the contour is highly focused and looks like a « ruchfahne ». As you move away from the laser axis, the edges begin to blur into the vaporous form of the cloud, becoming more mysterious, like an urban Aurora borealis.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 April 2008 )
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