Culture Lab Newcastle (UK)
Written by Juhuu on March 26, 2009.The Digital Media MRes programme was started in Culture Lab Newcastle in September 2008. The programme focuses on practice-based interdisciplinary research in areas including performance and technology, narration and interaction, heritage studies, visual and auditory display technologies, mobile and pervasive computing, and authorship/ ownership in collaborative virtual environments.
Professor Atau Tanaka (UK/JP/FR) and several of his fellow researchers and students will be participating Pixelache 09.
Culture Lab Newcastle Digital Media MRes participants in Pixelache 09:
- Atau Tanaka (JP/UK/FR)
- Jamie Allen (CA/UK)
- Kazuhiro Jo (JP/UK)
- Adam Parkinson (UK)
- Will Schrimshaw (UK)
- Catherine Elvin
- Ko Le Chen
- Brendan Ratliff
- Andrea Pozzi
- Andrew Nixon
- Pete Hindle
- Joseph Scully
- Abraham Thomas
More information:

02. April | 19:00 | Kiasma Theatre | Culture Lab Newcastle performance |
03. April | 13:00 | Taik Media lab | Chiptune Marching Band workshop |
04. April | 10:00 | Kiasma seminar room | Digital Craftsmanship seminar |