Pablo Canillas
<<Secondary effects caused by improper use of the man by the
machine>> is an allegory of the perpetuation of power by faith
and determination rather than by willing and rational acceptance. For
this performance, a classic baroque painting of a saint is prepared as
a computer text; composing in an image by relying on the optical density
of letters when disposed in groups. A speech synthesis device dictates
the text at human pace, while the scribe-performer diligently transcribes
letter by letter what he hears on ink and paper. During this enduring
task of writing, the scribe-performer is able to perpetuate the painting
without any notion of light and volume, but just by its well trained ability
of fixating meaningless spoken letters into glyphs.
The performance-transcription ends eventually with a manuscript as an
image of the original saint's portrait.
Pablo Canillas is a NYC based Spanish artist.