Conference Room, The Media Centre
11am - 1pm / 2 - 3pm
Disruptive Innovation
As government strategists and policy makers begin to advocate
the application of ‘Open Source’ value systems to areas
outside of software, such as the education system and the development
of new
pharmaceutical products, artists, designers and product developers
are beginning to embrace new approaches to the development cycles
of products and hardware devices; ‘Open Hardware’. This
programme of presentations and discussions will illuminate the potential
advantages, and dynamics, of embracing an open approach to developing
products and freely sharing knowledge.
Speakers include: Aymeric Mansoux, France [Packets];
Tuomo Tammenpää, Finland [TileToy]; Ulla-Maaria Mutanen
and Jyri Engeström, Finland [Wikiproducts and ThingLink]. Introduced
by Derek Hales, UK [University of Huddersfield].
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